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Dorsa Kord, Co-President


Hi! I’m a fourth-year Health Sciences student and I’ve been with MEDLIFE since my first year, and I’ve participated in its service-learning trip twice. Since the first time I went to Peru and saw the impact MEDLIFE makes, I’ve felt like I’m a part of a bigger movement. MEDLIFE to me is a chain of care and empowerment. Over the past three years, MEDLIFE has changed me and my perspective in many positive ways. Now, I work with my amazing team to spread the MEDLIFE movement in Hamilton. If you’d like to learn more about my MEDLIFE experience, MEDLIFE’s community-led approach, or ways to get involved, feel free to reach out! I’m always happy to chat about MEDLIFE!

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Archana Gugathasan



Hello! I am a 4th year Honours Life Sciences student. During my first year, here at McMaster, I went on a service-learning trip with MEDLIFE to Lima, Peru. This trip was a life changing experience for me, and helped me realize what I wanted to do in the future. One of the main reasons why I got involved in MEDLIFE, as opposed to others, is because I really like how MEDLIFE focuses on sustainability. I know that my help did not end after my trip 3 years ago; people I met are still being taken care of today! MEDLIFE has led me to see the bigger issues around the globe and even around the community of Hamilton. As Co-President this year, I am working alongside amazing individuals with the goal of spreading the MEDLIFE movement. If you want to know about my experiences, MEDLIFE, how to get involved, or even chat about university life - I am happy to make new friends! 

Meet the e-board

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Tania Shah, Social media Officer


Facebook: Tania Shah,
Instagram: tania.shah_

Hi! My name is Tania, and I’m a second-year Nursing student. I joined MEDLIFE because it seemed like a great opportunity to learn more about global health and how people are impacted by the constraints of poverty. Although I have not been on a Service Learning Trip (SLT) yet, I look forward to going on the SLT to Ecuador next year since I’m passionate about healthcare, but also because I love what this organization stands for (Medicine, Education, and Development) and how they’re making a real difference in people’s lives! I also hope to make a positive impact through our social media platforms, so feel free to contact me if you have any questions about MEDLIFE and how to get involved!

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Sevda Montakhaby, Creative Design Officer


Hi! My name is Sevda, but you can call me Sev, I’m currently in 3rd year BioPsych and loving it! At MEDLIFE I collaborate with amazing members of my cohort to help build awareness about an organization that is dedicated to bridging the gap in developing countries’ rights to education, medicine, and a safe home. My position has enabled me to apply my skills towards a cause I am most passionate about. I am also involved and interested in ongoing research within the department of PNB and Biology. Feel free to contact me about research, MEDLIFE, how to become involved, and possible involvement in design! 

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Mehak Bhansali, Fundraising & Sponsorship Officer


Hi! My name is Mehak and I’m in my second year of Biology & Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour. I’m the fundraising officer for MEDLIFE this year. MEDLIFE and I go way back all the way to high school and one of the many things I was excited about when coming to McMaster was joining a university chapter of MEDLIFE. I couldn’t agree more strongly with MEDLIFE’s goals and the way they approach communities in need to accomplish those goals, which is why I decided to be a part of this chapter. One thing I’m hoping on accomplishing this year is to go on my first SLT! To do that, I, along with my subcommittee, will be planning some exciting fundraisers this year to collectively raise funds for the trip. If you have any questions or general comments please feel free to contact me via email.

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Shil Gandhi, Expansion Officer


Hey there! My name is Shil and I am currently in my 4th year of Honours Biochemistry here at McMaster! My first exposure to MEDLIFE was on an SLT last year to Lima, Peru, where I got to work with so many motivated locals and volunteers to provide essential healthcare and education. My role as an expansion officer is to connect with local organizations in Hamilton and provide a platform for members to volunteer and give back to our local community, serving a more personal connection. Feel free to contact me about any ideas of a partnership, MEDLIFE or just life in general.

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Pooja Manglorkar, Outreach Officer


Hey there! My name is Pooja and I’m a second-year Molecular Biology & Genetics student. This past SLT to Lima, Peru broadened my perspective, deepened my passion for helping those in need, and left me wanting to come back to do more. MEDLIFE is an NGO that delivers what is truly needed by listening to the community and tackling the root of the problem. Together we’ve empowered thousands abroad and have positively impacted those here in Hamilton as well. As Outreach officer, my role is to reach out to the Hamilton community by spreading the MEDLIFE movement to highschools so that we can help more people both abroad and locally. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about MEDLIFE or if you're interested in getting involved!


Isveni Sriskantharajah, Service Learning Trip Officer


Hello! I am in my 4th year of Honours Life Sciences at McMaster. I was first introduced to the world of MEDLIFE during a service-learning trip to Lima, Peru during my first year. It helped me visualize what a difference I could make, not only in terms of healthcare, but in terms of education and development as well. My trip was an amazing experience and inspired me to join the MEDLIFE McMaster executive team. As the Mobile Clinic Officer, my role is to help smooth out the trip process for all participants, from the moment they register, to the moment they arrive at their destination.

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Laura Manzanilla, Recruitment Officer


Hi! I’m a third-year BioPsych student. I joined MEDLIFE since I love what they stand for and the different approach they take on the issue of worldwide poverty! I became especially interested when I saw face to face last May communities MEDLIFE works with when I went to the past SLT to Lima Peru and saw how incredibly welcoming and grateful everyone was. My job this year is to raise awareness and recruit participants to the club and the SLT, and to hopefully to get people to be as passionate as I am to work with all of the amazing people MEDLIFE! As well as work on future fun events MEDLIFE will have throughout the year that everyone can be involved in. Feel free to contact me if have any questions or want to get involved in any way! 

Get Involved, and join our committee 

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Tina Nhan, Administrative Officer


Hello! I’m in my third year in Honours Health Sciences, and I went on the service-learning trip to Lima, Peru last May. I can honestly say that those 10 days were the best of my life, from everyone I’ve met to everything that I’ve witnessed, learned, experienced, and shared. My time in Lima may have just seemed like a blink in a lifetime, but it has since opened my eyes to look at life in a different lens. It was because of this trip that I was inspired to spread the MEDLIFE Movement back in Canada and to share my experiences with all of you. Please feel free to message me if you ever want to have a chat about MEDLIFE, life, or anything else! :) 

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